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Recycle Materials You Can Build A House With

In a bid to keep the environment clean and eco-friendly, recycling materials is a beautiful part of making local building materials.

Recycling can increase the growth of local industries in the country, while also serving the goal of combating global warming. The development of these recycled materials could also help to reflate and stimulate the economy back to growth as we look inwards for the satisfaction of our needs.

To save cost and save the planet earth as well, it is advisable to build homes with these recycled materials.

Corn Board

This corn-based composite board is made from corn waste and is capable of absorbing CO2 emissions that would otherwise have been released into the atmosphere. Leftover corn husks and stalks are used instead of leaving them to rot and decompose away, the waste is turned into wealth. An estimate of about two acres worth of corn would be utilised in order to create enough board to outfit a standard two storey house. This could also be used in floors, walls or decking.

Leftover corn husks and stalks are used instead of leaving them to rot and decompose away, the waste is turned into wealth. An estimate of about two acres worth of corn would be utilised in order to create enough board to outfit a standard two storey house. This could also be used in floors, walls and decking.

Plastic Bottles

Millions of bottles are dumped into waterways each year causing pollution, erosion, irrigation blockages, health problems among a host of other environmental problems. Bottle houses take this harmful waste out of the environment to make it useful for the general populace.

For those wondering if this material will stand the test of time, the fact that plastic bottles take hundred years to biodegrade in a landfill makes it a suitable long lasting building material.

Fascinating eco-friendly bullet proof homes have been built in Kaduna from used plastic bottles. The beautiful part of these houses is that they are also fire-proof, earthquake resistant and cost effective. To create affordable accommodation for displaced citizens in the northern part of the country, a non-profit organisation (Development Association for Renewable Energies) in conjunction with a London-based NGO is propagating the use of plastic bottles as building materials. You would need about 14,000 plastic bottles stuffed with sand, strung together and further bounded with a mud and cement mixture to build this bullet proof abode. These walls are super stronger than those made out of concrete.

You would need about 14,000 plastic bottles stuffed with sand, strung together and further bounded with a mud and cement mixture to build this bullet proof abode. These walls are super stronger than those made out of concrete. This is the second-best thing to do with plastics after recycling as it not only alleviates environmental pollution but it also solves the problem of housing deficit in Nigeria.

Have you got a lot of bottles? Then turn your trash to a treasure.

Newspaper Wood

Newspapers are produced on a daily basis by different media companies. You could imagine the tonnes of papers that would amount to in a month let alone one year. It will actually be good to put to use all those old dailies that are gathering dust on the shelves. Newspaper wood is created by rolling up the paper and solvent-free glue to create something somewhat similar to a log, then it is chopped into usable planks. The wood can be sealed so it is waterproof and flame-retardant. This recycled building material can be used to build anything you would normally build with wood.

Nappy roofing sheet

Did you know that nappies and sanitary products that are usually thrown away can be recycled to roofing materials used for building? Yes, something good can indeed come out from Nazareth.

Special recycling plants separate out the polymers from the organic waste and these polymers can then be used to create fibre-based construction materials like roofing tiles.

Recycled Blocks

Colourful bricks have been made from old plastic bags which are difficult to recycle in any other way. Recycled bags or nylons are placed in heat mold and forced together to form blocks. Although they turn out to be lightweight materials but can find use in home fittings and fixtures that do not require a heavy load.

Bottle Bricks

Empty glass beer bottles are quite useful when it comes to being a building material. It took about one million beer bottles to create a temple in Thailand. These glass bottles have the ability to hold thermal mass; their translucent property can enhance natural daylighting.

Wine cork panels

The world consumes around 31.7 billion bottles of wine a year. The cork from these bottles is pretty useful for building so also the wine bottles like we already established. Basically, these corks are combined with the recycled granulated ones and made into tiles.

Mushroom walls

Along with cutting cost, another beneficial importance of using recycled materials for building construction is that they are generally eco-friendly thereby reducing the problem of global warming that countries all over the world are facing.

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