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Deforestation in Nigeria

Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides forest. Note that the forest covers more than 30% of the earth land surface according to the world wild life fund. Therefore, deforestation is one of the largest issues in global land use and estimate are based on the forest cleared by human use including removal of the trees for wood products and for crop lands and grazing  lands.

Facts states that 49milliom square km is earth cropland and 18.9 million sq. is deforested. According to the UN food Agriculture Organization (FAO). Indigenous (old growth) forest in Africa are being cut down at a rate of more than 4million hectares par year, that is twice the world deforestation average. Where Nigeria has one of the highest rate of deforestation in the world losing 410,000 hectares/years from 2005-2010 and the main drive of deforestation in the country are Agriculture, logging & mining.

The data shows that treated species in Nigeria as of 2017 according to the world database on protected areas (WDPA) is mainly due to deforestation. Major solution has been discussed by nations globally to avoid deforestation as its one major factor of global warming other earth.

Some of these are series of rules and laws to government that can curb Felling of trees

  • Eco-forestry.
  • Community foresty.
  • Replanting (Reforestation).
  • Sensitization and Educative campaigns .
  • Joint organization (wildlife,rainforest &native constructions).
  • Land use planning.

ECO FORESTRY: Eco forestry has been defined as selection forestry or restoration forestry. The main idea of Eco forestry is to maintain or restore the forest to standards where the forest may still be harvested for products on a sustainable basis..

COMMUNITY FORESTRY: Community forestry is an evolving branch of forestry whereby the local community plays a significant role in forest management and land use decision making by themselves in the facilitating support of government as well as change agents. 

REPLANTING/REFORESTATION: The natural or intentional replanting of existing forests and woodlands (forestation) that have been cut down, usually through deforestation, but also after clearcutting. Resources.

LAND USE  PLANNING: Is the process of regulating the use of land by a central authority. Usually, this is done in an effort to promote more desirable social and environmental outcomes as well as a more efficient use of resources. 

SENSITIZATION AND EDUCATIVE CAMPAIGN: This can be a simple but more workable solution, where people are give knowledge on the technical know how on the disadvantages of deforestation.

JOINT ORGANIZATIONS: This gears at looking for ways For forest and land managers and stakeholders in all sectors involved in joint effort to reduce deforestation. It proves ways and guidance on the analysis of deforestation drivers and how to address them differently.

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